Overall Crime Info

This subpage provides visualizations and insights on the discrepencies in crimes committed among the 50 wards.

How is the City of Chicago divided and how does this affect arrest rates?

The City of Chicago is divided into 50 wards. Each ward is a political district and they reflect population shifts in the city. All police reports include the ward in which the crime took place. Arrest rates and number of crimes by ward provides valuable information to potential residents who might be deciding on which area of Chicago to live in. Furthmore, the police could use the data to identify wards that need more police presence.

Visualizations include map with arrest percentages, crime by wards, and an overall crime map.

Wards with the Highest and Lowest Arrest Rates

The visualization above provides insight on the arrest rates for the 50 Chicago wards. The west side of Chicago clearly has the highest arrest rates while also having some of the highest number of crimes. This shows that the Chicago police is concentrating their efforts on the west side due to the high number of crimes that occur there. The north side has many wards with low arrest rates. However, crimes occur at a much lower rate in the north side wards.